Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday Tech

Despite there being loads of things happening in the world - which is usually the case - I actually struggled with finding an article for today.

So, in honor of the people who will be graduating college this weekend and next I thought I would share Business Insider's story: 13 Qualities Google looks for in job candidates.

The best one of the attributes, based on the name given, is "Google wants Googleyness." The article goes into what exactly "Googleyness" is, a summation of a bunch of different qualities, and I love that they made up their own word.

One of the qualities I appreciate, as I believe not many companies do (from my experience), is "role-related knowledge." Role-related knowledge is that you have the background and the aptitude to do your job, even if it means you need to teach yourself a few things. A lot of the jobs I have interviewed for seem to expect you to come in knowing everything. But studies show, people don't stay in those jobs long. People like challenge, be it small or overwhelming. Yet, it almost seems companies expect you not only to have the qualifications, but be able to come in knowing how to do most, if not everything, listed in the job duties.

One key thing from this article is that Google wants people to have the willingness to learn. They want you to be smart enough to know that you don't know everything, you could be wrong, and have the willingness to learn (because it's ok to make mistakes!)

That's the short and sweet of it. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

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