Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Fun

In the spirit of exercising the mind and procrastination (not that I'm encouraging procrastination), I thought I would share two online games that seem to lean more towards enhancing the mind, or "enhancing" eyesight.

The first one I came across this morning called Kukukube. The goal of the game is to see just how perceptive your eyesight is in regards to color. Squares of the same color appear on the board, but one is a shade off from the others! You need to find the different square to move on to the next puzzle.

It starts off pretty easy, but then gets to the point you begin to question if the game is tricking you. I played it once, so far, and got a score of 33.

Click here to play Kukukube!

The other one is the 2048 game. The goal of the game is to get your numbered tiles to "2048". You start off with two squares, each with the number 2 on them. Using the arrow keys (or directional swiping on tablets and smartphones), you slide the squares into each other. Combining the two "2"s will get you one tile with a 4 on it.

To get to 2048 you need to continue combining the numbered squares. However, the only way the numbered squares can combine is with a square of the same number (16 can only combine with 16). Each move you make generates another square, usually with the number "2" or "4" on it.

Warning: It's pretty addicting. And you may learn to quickly double numbers up to 2048.

Play 2048 here!

There are even other versions of 2048. For the people who prefer images, some people have recreated the game to feature images of characters from games and TV shows.

I love games like these :)


  1. Stopping by from Janet Reid's blog... I like those kind of games, too! But my hubby (who hates math) is better at 2048 than me. He's gotten to 8192. I have no idea how. JEN Garrett
