Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday Travels

Through my usual reads, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Archaeology, I came across this: Iron Age Owl Clasp Unearthed in Denmark.

It's a short article (with a picture!), but in the writing  mindset I was in when reading about this iron owl, I thought it would make an interesting prompt.

A while ago I mentioned I was doing "weekly" prompts to get into the practice of writing in my MC's voice. The prompt I was working on (#3 I think) mentioned your protagonist finding something strange in their pocket. So, reading this I thought "what if my MC received this as a gift?"

So, here is a writing prompt for people looking for something to write based on the article:

What if your character (a MC, the protagonist of your latest work, even favorite characters from TV shows, movies, books or video games) received this owl (or even found it)? Why did they receive it? Is it a reward for a long journey? Or is it a gift before the hero goes into battle? Explore your character's reaction to the gift, physical and emotional. Does it stir painful memories or excite them to action?

I'll be working on this as well. Maybe Wednesday I'll post it (seeing if I can finish everything else before then).

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