Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Fun

I was going to look for another comic to post today, but I have another idea, more like a challenge. Ok, another prompt, but this one works for art as well.

Some background: In my eyes, I am a far better artist than writer - confidence I've gained from years of working on my art. Years ago, I found myself struggling to create my own characters. I was always drawing other people's characters, maybe in new clothes or different situations, but it was always someone else's characters.

So, I thought of a challenge - a challenge I have yet to truly accomplish in all its rules.

The challenge: Go to your iTunes (on shuffle), YouTube, Pandora, or turn on the radio. The first song (or to mix it up, the fifth song) you hear, take it and create something with it. Use it as inspiration for your character, or to create a character. The song can create a new scene for your character, it can define your character's attire or attitude.

This really expands into any medium used to express yourself. Sew an outfit, create a hairstyle, throw a new pot, paint a scene, write the actions. Use the song to stir your imagination and emotions and let it guide you to create something new.

Two of my characters in my first MS, actually five of them now that I think of it, grew from this challenge. Most of the characters in my first MS were just OCs (original characters) that I created so I could wholly own the rights to the art (you know, no permission needed for using someone else's creation). But as their designs grew, so did their demands to have a whole world to unite them.

Just another thing to think about if you are suffering from creativity block.

If you want a song, here is the one that reminded me of this and inspired this post (NOTE: I haven't watched the video, but it shouldn't be inappropriate): Rodney Atkins: If You're Going Through Hell (Keep on Going)


  1. What a great idea, Rej! I use to draw and paint, but I found that I had no real creativity. Like you, I would use other people's ideas to make my own. I don't have that problem with writing. I always have ideas for a new book, but not the time to write them all. Now I draw (mostly charcoal, sometimes pastels) for my own pleasure. Too bad I didn't have your suggestion years ago, then again it's never too late for anything we set our minds to.

    (I'm coming over a little late from Janet's blog, but I was traveling.)

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