Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday Tech

Rejoice authors, writers, and readers!

HarperCollins and Amazon have finally reached a deal. (Link goes out to Business Insider).

That means HarperCollins books will still be available on Amazon. Great news for readers who love their Kindle (or Kindle App in my case), and for writers/authors because any additional channel to reach readers is a good one, especially when they are big like Amazon.

I guess this could be good news for investors, but the financial people can talk about that.

Besides Barnes & Noble, and the occasional book from my local grocery store, I buy most of my books from Amazon. It is also one of the top places I learn about new books, besides the lovely agents and authors I follow over on Twitter.

I can't imagine how many amazing books might not reach people if this deal didn't go through. One of my good friends reads only on her Kindle (and books from the library), so imagine all the others who would miss out.

Yes, if I knew of a book I really wanted to read, I would go to other stores/libraries to get it, but I also wonder how many books I would pass on because I just don't have the time for other stores (so sad, but true).

Anyway, cheers! Anything that benefits writers and readers, the better.

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