Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Writing Wednesday

Wednesday seems like a good day to start this blog off and the best way is to say a bit about my writing.

The MS (manuscript) I am sending to agents is, indeed, my first completed novel length story. I completed it over a year ago as part of NaNoWriMo, but I have been thinking of the story for years before that. I even started storyboarding it because I knew I wanted to tell the story, I just didn't know how. I thought about web comics and scripts, but when November came around, I realized a book would be the best format for it.

Now, of course there will be some comics of my story, things I can't publish in a trade book. Those will come later.

Currently, I have the MS and a novella that accompanies it, told from the point of view of another character in the book. In addition, I've started the sequel book, which needs an overhaul, and a prequel book, which needs a massive overhaul.

I'll get more into these as time goes on. But for now, that's the bit about me. In general Writing Wednesdays will be about writing, either tips, tricks, or an update on what I'm doing (writing wise).

Have fun and great travels!


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